4th Basque Inclusion Conference

4th Inclusion Conference


Alfonso Gurpegui

During the 12th legislature, the Basque government work and employment department has organised a one-day inclusion conference every year, in which we have dealt with different issues affecting policy to ensure equal opportunities for all, on the basis of academic knowledge and discussion, the professional view and intervention.

At the first conference, held in 2021, we worked on income guarantee policies, and its conclusions were a key factor in the subsequent drafting of the Basque income guarantee system and inclusion act, Law 14/2022.

In 2022, during the second conference, we discussed tools for planning inclusion policies, with the 5th Basque inclusion plan as a central part of this.

Last year we considered the regional angle, leading to the new Lanbide model for attention and intervention.

After approving the strategic and regulatory framework for establishing public policies to guarantee the right to inclusion for all, at this year's conference we will be dealing with the other major pillar of inclusion in this field, which is the assessment of public policy, more specifically inclusion policy, in the conviction that this constant assessment can assure measures that are effective and, over time, correct those that are not. The recent start-up of the body to assess public policy on employment and inclusion in the Basque Country made it advisable to find out about other experiences with assessment, as well as different methodologies and strategies to institute it, in order to make assessment a tool to improve public policy.

One of the features of the previous three inclusion conferences was the inclusion of the voices of users of the inclusion services and benefits. This time we wanted to include the voice of the agents involved in inclusion policy in order to construct a system of assessment that also meets their needs and expectations.

This 4th inclusion conference is to be held at the Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao on 12th July, from 9.00am to 6.00pm, and will offer the chance to discuss the challenges of instituting assessment of public policy, as well as hearing about the experience of assessment bodies elsewhere in Spain and abroad. In a second block we will hear about different methodologies and tools to assess inclusion processes. And during the afternoon session, we will discuss the key factors in constructing an agenda for assessment of public policy on inclusion in the Basque Country, and see different actual experiences of assessing inclusion policy.

The event is aimed at inclusion professionals, public or private bodies and people interested in this subject. We trust that the conference will be of interest to go on advancing in the construction of public policy to reduce exclusion gaps

We hope you find the conference interesting.

Yours faithfully,

Alfonso Gurpegui

Vice-minister of Employment and Inclusion

Work and Employment Department

Basque Government



Conference presenter: Eva Domaika

9:00am.: Institutional opening

  • Juan Ibarretxe Karetxe. Councillor for Social Action. Bilbao City Council.
  • Teresa Laespada Martínez. Regional Deputy of Employment, Social Inclusion and Equality. BPC.
  • Javier Hurtado Domínguez. Minister of Tourism, Trade and Consumer Affairs.

9:30am: Keynote Paper: Challenges to the institutionalisation of assessment of public policy

  • Carlos Hinojosa. Leadership, Supervision and Assessment. Public Management and Budget Division, Directorate for Public Governance of the OECD.

10:30am: Round Table. Public policy assessment bodies

  • Moderator: Antonio Igea Sesma. Substitute for Besaldi, the body assessing employment and inclusion policy in the Basque Country.
  • Stephen Sinclair. Chair of the Poverty & Inequality Scottish Commission.
  • Marc Balaguer Puig. Executive director of IVALUA - the Catalan Institute for Public Policy Assessment.
  • Mª José Gómez García de Soria. Director of the Institute for Public Policy Assessment.
  • Daniel Catalá Pérez. President of SEE, the Spanish society for public policy assessment.

12:00am: Coffee break

12:30am: Talk: Inclusion policies in Spain: context, trends and challenges

  • José Fernández Albertos. Director of the Public Policy Department of the Cabinet of the Government Presidency.

1:15pm: Round Table: Methodologies, tools, statistics and indicators to measure inclusion processes

  • Moderator: Joseba Zalakain Hernández. Director of SIIS Documentation and Study Centre at the Eguía Careaga Foundation.
  • José María Arranz Muñoz. Professor at Alcalá de Henares University. Economics Department.
  • Alaitz Artabe Echevarria. Assistant lecturer at the UPV and research fellow at the Iseak Foundation.
  • Federico Muñiz Alonso. Deputy Director-General of Statistics and Information at SEPE.

2:15pm: Lunch

3:15pm: 1sr Round Table: Constructing the agenda, dialogue about needs, why assess

  • Moderator: Alfonso López Martínez. Coordinator of EAPN Euskadi.
  • Joseba Zalakain Hernández. Director of SIIS Documentation and Study Centre at the Eguía Careaga Foundation.
  • Ana Sofi Telletxea Bustinza. Head of analysis and development at Cáritas Bizkaia.
  • Óscar Seco Revilla. General Director of Social Inclusion, Bizkaia provincial authority.

4:15pm: 2nd Round Table: Experiences of assessment

  • Moderator: Mabel Cenizo Benito. Head of the Communication, Action and Volunteering Department of Caritas Gipuzkoa.
  • Koldo Peciña Txintxurreta. Director of Strategic Projects. Gipuzkoa Provincial Authority.
  • Sara de la Rica Goiricelaya. Director of the ISEAK foundation and professor of Economics at the University of the Basque Country.
  • Paula Salinas Peña. Director and founder member of KSNET.
  • Antonio Igea Sesma. Quality and evaluation technician at Lanbide-Basque Employment Service.

5:15pm: Report on Conclusions

  • Fernando Fantova Azcoaga. Head of Besaldi, the body assessing employment and inclusion policy in the Basque Country.

5:45pm: Close.

Speakers and moderators

Carlos Hinojosa

Carlos Hinojosa

Leadership, Supervision and Assessment. Public Management and Budget Division, Directorate for Public Governance of the OECD

Antonio Igea

Antonio Igea Sesma

President of RIEPP, the International Public Policy Assessment Network. Quality and evaluation technician at Lanbide-Basque Employment SService.

Stephen Sinclair

Stephen Sinclair

Chair of the Poverty & Inequality Scottish Commission.

Marc Balaguer

Marc Balaguer Puig

Executive director of IVALUA - the Catalan Institute for Public Policy Assessment.

María José Gómez

María José Gómez García de Soria

Director of the Institute for Public Policy Assessment.

Daniel Catalá

Daniel Catalá Pérez

President of SEE, the Spanish society for public policy assessment.

José Fernández

José Fernández Albertos

Director of the Public Policy Department of the Office of the Presidency of the Government.

Joseba Zalakain

Joseba Zalakain Hernández

Director of SIIS Documentation and Study Centre at the Eguía Careaga Foundation.

José María Arranz

José María Arranz Muñoz

Professor at Alcalá de Henares University. Economics Department.

Alaitz Artabe

Alaitz Artabe Echevarria

Assistant lecturer at the UPV and research fellow at the Iseak Foundation.

Federico Muñiz

Federico Muñiz Alonso

Deputy Director-General of Statistics and Information at SEPE.

Alfonso López

Alfonso López Martínez

Coordinator of EAPN Euskadi.

Ana Sofi Telletxea

Ana Sofi Telletxea Bustinza

Head of analysis and development at Cáritas Bizkaia.

Óscar Seco

Óscar Seco Revilla

General Director of Social Inclusion, Bizkaia provincial authority.

Mabel Cenizo

Mabel Cenizo Benito

Responsible for the communication, political impact and volunteering area at Caritas Gipuzkoa.

Koldo Peciña

Koldo Peciña Txintxurreta

Director of Strategic Projects. Gipuzkoa Provincial Authority.

Sara de la Rica

Sara de la Rica Goiricelaya

Director of the ISEAK foundation and professor of Economics at the University of the Basque Country.

Paula Salinas

Paula Salinas Peña

Director and founder member of KSNET.

Fernando Fantova

Fernando Fantova Azcoaga

Head of Besaldi, the body assessing employment and inclusion policy in the Basque Country.


It is to be held on 12th June at the Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao.

Right on the estuary, the Palacio Euskalduna is located in the heart of Bilbao, just minutes from the city's international airport and extremely well connected to major land, rail and maritime routes. It can also be reached on foot from most of the hotels in the city.

How to get here (leiho berri batean irekitzen da)

Nearby car parks / OTA / Find your route on foot or by bus (leiho berri batean irekitzen da)

Organisational Secretariat:


e-mail: jornadadeinclusion-te@euskadi.eus
Telephone: (+34) 946 123 007


You can register for the 4th Basque Inclusion Conference by clicking on the following button:


Previous Conferences

2023 Edition

2022 Edition