Kultura eta Hizkuntza Politika Saila

EAS publications



Is Basque well positioned in the digital world? What is the situation of the nearby languages? Do Basque speakers speak Basque on social networks?

  • Seminar on Basque and Information technology (video)

The  Indicator System of the Basque (EAS) organized a seminar on Basque and Information technology (ICT) on October 27 of 2021, in Donostia/San Sebastian, at Carlos Santamaria Center. The following speakers took part in the session: Maite Goñi, board director of the Special Committee to Promote Basque Language in Digital Environment of the Basque Advisory Committee; Galder Gonzalez, member of the Basque Association of Wikipedia writers; Olatz Arregi and Xabier Arregi, members of group Ixa at University of the Basque Country (EHU-UPV); Josune Zabala, director of Language research and Coordination of the Basque Government; and Jon Aizpurua, foreman of Planning and Study service of the Department of Language Policy of the Basque Government.


Iñaki Martinez de Luna was the first director of the EAS (Basque Indicator System) project between 2013 and 2018: "The indicator system is useful for measuring achievements regarding the goals of the linguistic revitalization plans."


This annual report, the third since the EAS was set up, sets out to offer a compilation of the main data collected up to 2018, a sample of the content it aims to offer from now on by updating the information every year.