Last issue

JUNE 2024


La entrevista de evaluación o la necesidad de objetivar los procesos de medición del desempeño en el sector público

Author: RASTROLLO SUÁREZ, Juan José. 

ABSTRACT: Assessment interviews can be initial, intermediate–if such takes place—and final, and they are a central component of performance assessment systems in the public service. In the present study, we analyze the concept of assessment interview, emphasizing its significance but also its limitations, based on legislation, legal doctrine and case law. To this end, we examine the restrictions that diverse legal norms and court decisions have put on notions such as goals and competences, assessment questionnaire or assessment report. Moreover, we consider the mechanisms and organisms that specialize in solving appeal procedures, which are at the disposition of public employees in cases of disagreement with the obtained results.

KEYWORDS: appeal procedures, goals and competences, interview, performance assessment, public service. 

La reparación del abuso cometido en materia de contratación del personal laboral temporal en el sector público


ABSTRACT: The paper aims to offer a legal proposal to put an end to the long-standing confrontation between the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and Spanish law and jurisprudence on the existence of effective, dissuasive and proportional legal measures to prevent and sanction abuse in the hiring of fixed-term personnel in Public Administrations (PAs), in line with the European Framework Agreement on fixed-term work. The study, which also looks at civil servants, concludes that the fundamental problem lies in the repeated failure of public authorities to comply with the law, as endorsed by judges, and thus in the finding that there were no effective and dissuasive legislative measures to prevent abuse in recruitment. It is also argued that the CJEU has shown a clear preference for the transformation of staff who have suffered such abuse into permanent permanent permanent staff. However, it is clear that Law 20/2021 has facilitated the stabilisation and consolidation of many employees who have suffered these abusive situations, although the legislative technique could have been better. In addition, through fixity, too much damage would be caused to the processes initiated -and about to be finalised- by this law. This is why, in the end, we opted for an economic measure that would satisfy the temporary people who do not get a place; even those who do get one.The methodology is based on the analysis of legal sources and case law.

KEYWORDS: abuse, compensation, public administrations, remediation-temporary contracting.

Aspectos conflictivos de los procesos de estabilización en la Ley 20/2021, de 28 de diciembre, de medidas urgentes para la reducción de la temporalidad en el empleo público; una aproximación a través de los tribunales


ABSTRACT: The purpose of the article is to analyze the first sentences from selective stabilization processes as a measure adopted by the legislator, both in the budget laws of  years 2017 and 2018 and in Law 20/2021, of December 28, on urgent measures to reduce temporary in public employment, with the aim of alleviating the existing temporary situation. The rulings of the Tribunal Supremo are analyzed, but especially those of the (autonomic) higher courts of justice and of lower courts, interesting due to the depth of their reasoning or the originality of the matters they resolve. The methodology used is typical of research in legal sciences; search for available material resources, both legislative, jurisprudential or bibliographic, use of review tools and critical analysis of the results obtained. The work describes the current situation, the aspects that have been especially conflictive in the stabilization processes and the first responses that the courts have given with a critical contribution of the solutions adopted. The study of the first sentences issued allows us to identify and focus on the most conflictive aspects but at the same time complete, deepen and strengthen fundamental notions of the legal regime of public employment.

KEYWORDS: justice, public employment, selective process, stabilization process, temporary employment. 


Interview with Sara Hernández Ibabe, 2024 Women in Leader Award for Women in the Public Sector (Entrevistador: Miel A. Elustondo)


César Gallastegui Aranzabal. Universidad de Deusto.


RECENSIÓN: Jose Antonio Latorre. Hacia el aprendizaje más allá de la formación. INAP 

Authors: Argilés Marín, J.M. (coord.); Pastor-Sainz-Pardo, I.; Pérez Dios, P.; Amor Sánchez de Ron,M.; Abad Andújar, I. y Adiego Samper, C.

RECENSIÓN: Jesús Martínez Marín. Hacia el aprendizaje más allá de la formación. INAP 

Authors: Argilés Marín, J.M. (coord.); Pastor-Sainz-Pardo, I.; Pérez Dios, P.; Amor Sánchez de Ron,M.; Abad Andújar, I. y Adiego Samper, C.

RECENSIÓN: Luis Francisco Maeso. ¡Ahora lo haremos bien! Como conseguir una adecuada sucesión de los equipos directivos en los cambios de gobierno en una Administración pública.INAP

Authors: Rodríguez M y Sánchez, E. 

RECENSIÓN: Franscisca Berrocal Berrocal. Dirección estratégica de recursos humanos

Authors: González-Ortiz de Zárate, A. 

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