Basque Journal of People & Public Organizations management

The Basque Journal of People and Public Organizations’ Management (Print ISSN: 2173-6405; Online ISSN: 2531-2103), began in 2011 with the aim of filling an editorial gap in the field of human resource management, organizational management and continuous improvement. Therefore, its primary goal is to be a means of expression to feature research, proposals, experiences and papers that can provide ideas to improve the performance of public organizations and the people who work in them on subjects specific to the disciplines of the social sciences, such as psychology, law, political science, economics or sociology. The journal is published twice a year (in June and December), but special issues may be added.

It has an Editorial Board unrelated to the organizational structure of the Basque Institute of Public Administration (IVAP) in order to ensure their independence and freedom of action. The Board is led by the prestigious professor at the University of Valencia José María Peiró Silla who has held a number of relevant positions, including President of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP). The members of this Board come from both the public and private sectors, and possess a long teaching and professional experience in the subject matters of the journal.

Open to national and international quality collaborations, the Journal has incorporated in 2014 a select external Advisory Board. Its members, researchers and renowned professionals in different disciplines related to the field of people and organizations’ management, have an intellectual experience that puts them in a position to guarantee the academic and scientific quality of the journal.

Manuscripts can be sent all year long. Papers are evaluated as they are received, by the following procedure: a) after receipt of the article, it is communicated to the sender to the email address indicated; b) the Editorial Board decides to reject it (in the case of manuscripts that are not related to our aims and scopes) or to start the external review process, which will be duly communicated; c) anonymous peer-review of the paper by the double blind procedure (if the reviews are discrepant the Editorial Board could send the paper to an additional reviewer); d) in view of the reports of the evaluators, a final judgment will be drawn up by the Editorial Board on whether to accept for publication or to reject the manuscript, which will be communicated to the author. This process has an average duration of 16 weeks from the receipt of the manuscript by the Technical Secretary ( until it is published. During this time, authors are asked to avoid postulating their manuscript in other journals.

Throughout the process, the technical secretary oversees the successive versions of the paper and informs the author of the status of his work. For any information about the editorial process, authors can contact the technical secretary at:

With the creation of this web portal, where all periodical publications of the IVAP are housed, it is intended to facilitate consultation and download of the issues and articles published, without restrictions, through a system of simple and operational search, in the “Archive” and “Search” tabs.

The management of IVAP and the Editorial Board of the Basque Journal of People and Public Organizations’ Management are confident that this tool will facilitate and encourage access to the contents of the publication and that it will contribute to the consolidation, enrichment and usefulness of this journal.

This journal provides its contents in immediate and full-text open access, under the principle that allowing free access to research results has repercussions on a greater exchange of knowledge globally. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

The IVAP preserves the copyright of the published articles, and favors and allows the reuse of the works under the license of use BY-NC-ND.

The articles are published in the electronic edition of the journal under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. They may be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and publicly displayed provided that: 1) the authorship and the original source of their publication (journal, editorial and URL of the article) are cited; 2) are not used for commercial purposes; 3) mention the existence and specifications of this license.

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