- AUSPOA saila (serie AUSPOA). This extensive series created in 1961 by the untiring researcher and promoter Antonio Zavala is a collection of biographies and bersos, studies on bersolarismo, conferences, ballads and accounts in 300 volumes. Today the series is published by Sendoa.
- Published by Euskal Herriko Bertsozale Elkartea (EHBE):
- Bertso doinutegia. Joanito Dorronsoro
- Bapatean. A selection of the year's bersos. The first edition was published in 1988. Since then a new issue comes out once a year.
- Txapelketak. Publishes books, cassettes and CD's.
- Educational material. Published jointly with the Federation of Ikastolas.
- Bertsolari aldizkaria. Created in 1991. Four issues are put out yearly; there are plans to publish two books a year.
- Educational material:
- Bertsotan I J. Dorronsoro. GIE, San Sebastián 1981
- Bertsotan II. J. Dorronsoro. GIE, San Sebastián 1988
- Zu ere bertsolari; Errima hiztegia. Xabier Amuriza: ... Published by EHBE
- Ikastolen Elkartea eta Bertsozale elkartea: Bertso trena, Bertso galaxia, Bertso ostatu, Ahozkotasuna, Txikitik handira,... Books and cassettes containing melodies published jointly with EHBE and Ikastolen Elkartea.
- Sofware:
- Bertsoen mundua. Elhuyar. X. Amuriza
- Atzekoz- Aurrera. Book and floppy disc on rhyme.
- Assorted:
- Idazlan guztiak . Manuel Lekuona. Kardaberaz bilduma (Kardaberaz Collection). 1978
- Bersolarismo in Bizkaia
- Izengabeak I. X. Amuriza. Bizkaiko Bertsozale elkartea
- Izendunak II. X. Amuriza. Bizkaiko Bertsozale elkartea
- Zozoak Beleari. Andoni Egaña y Jon Sarasua. Alberdania.