VI Employment Congress


Patricia Pérez-Gómez

Patricia Pérez-Gómez

Head of the team responsible for the European Social Fund at the European Commission Directorate-General for Employment and Social Policy.

She currently heads the team responsible for the European Social Fund at the European Commission Directorate-General for Employment and Social Policy.

She previously worked at the European Commission General Directorate for Support for Structural Reforms, where she coordinated technical support in Spain and headed the Education Sector. She took part in a number of roles in the design of several technical support projects for Spain in order to improve the quality of vocational training, boost the inclusive nature of education, cut the school drop-out rate and modernise the national science and innovation system.

Before doing this job she was responsible for assessing and monitoring education policies for Spain and Portugal within the framework of the European Semester. In these roles she negotiated and coordinated the OECD project to help Spain to draw up a national skills strategy.

Before these jobs at the European Commission, she built up over 12 years of experience in the field of international cooperation, holding different positions and responsibilities in numerous countries outside Europe.