VI Employment Congress


Juan Carlos Ibarrola

Juan Carlos Ibarrola

Director of vocational training for employment at Lanbide.

Graduate in Politics and Sociology from the University of Deusto (1980 - 1985) and a master's degree in Marketing. UPV-EHU (1990 - 1991).

Coordinator of the vocational training for employment service at Lanbide, the Basque employment service (2020 - January 2022). Head of Hobetuz, the Basque foundation for continuing vocational training (2010 - 2019). Bizkaia regional director of Hobetuz, the Basque foundation for continuing vocational training (1997 - 2010). Director of IMPV, the Basque institute of marketing (1993 - 1997). Training and organisation consultant at ICSA – Ingenieros Consultores S.A. (1988 - 1993).