VI Employment Congress


Arantxa Niño

Arantxa Niño

Secretary for Employment and Training at the UGT trade union.

Arantxa Niño has worked for the trade union organisation UGT-Euskadi since 1994 in the areas of social policy, employment and training, running continuing training plans, promoting research projects related to the sphere of training (training needs analysis, training methodologies and so on) setting up and coordinating employment advice services at UGT-Euskadi.

Coordination of training for UGT-Euskadi union representatives

Since March 2021, a member of the executive committee of UGT-Euskadi, as secretary for employment and training.

Also sits on the Basque vocational training council, on the board of directors of LANBIDE and on the permanent commission for state public employment service, and is part of various work groups of the round table on social dialogue.