V Employment Congress 2022


Photo by María Luz Rodríguez Fernández

María Luz Rodríguez Fernández

Professor of Labour and Social Security Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Ms Rodríguez has published numerous articles on employment and labour relations in collective books and specialised journals. Her latest books are Humanos y robots: empleo y condiciones de trabajo en la era tecnológica (Humans and Robots: Employment and Working Conditions in the Technological Age), Tecnología y Trabajo: el impacto de la revolución digital en los derechos laborales y la protección social (Technology and Work: The Impact of the Digital Revolution on Labour Rights and Social Protection), Plataformas laborales y mercado de trabajo (Labour Platforms and the Labour Market), and El Futuro del Trabajo que Queremos (The Future of the Work We Want).

She is currently collaborating with the International Labour Organisation (Geneva) on the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Decent Work in the Platform Economy. She has been Secretary of State for Employment and has been awarded the Distinguished Royal Cross of San Raimundo de Peñafort, First Class.