Informes - Internacional
- Pensions at a glance 2023
- Pensions at a glance 2021
- Pensions at a glance 2019
- Pensions Outlook 2022
- Pensions Outlook 2020
- Pension markets in focus 2023
- Pension markets in focus 2022
- Pension markets in focus 2021
- Pension markets in focus 2020
- Long-term investing of large pension funds and public pension reserve funds 2023
- Long-term investing of large pension funds and public pension reserve funds 2022
- Annual survey on financial incentives for retirement savings 2023
- PISA 2022 results: How Financially Smart Are Students? (Volume IV)
- Recommendation of the Council for OECD Legal Instruments the Good Design of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
- OECD Economic Surveys: Spain (2023)
- Mortality and the Provision of Retirement Income (2023)
- Sistemas previsionales complementarios. Pablo Antolín Nicolás (2023)
- Financial education for old age in times of change (2022)
- Financial education in the workplace (2022)
- Towards Improved Retirement Savings Outcomes for Women (2021)
- Classification and glossary of private pensions
- OECD Core principle of private pension regulation (2016)
- Common Ground Taxonomy Instruction Report (2024)
- High-level overview of taxonomies and sustainable finance landscape in IPSF Members (2024)
- Monitoring Capital Flows to Sustainable Investments: Intermediate report (2024)
- How the EU’s Taxonomy and sustainable finance framework are helping financial and non-financial actors transition to net zero (2024)
- Pension adequacy report: Current and future income adequacy in old age in the EU. Volume I (2024)
- Pension adequacy report: Current and future income adequacy in old age in the EU. Volume II (2024)
- Long term projections of pension adequacy in a selection of countries (2024)
- Ageing Report: Economic & budgetary projections for the EU Member States (2024)
- Monitoring the level of financial literacy in the EU (2023)
- The future of social protection and of the welfare state in the UE (2023)
- Best practices and performance of auto-enrolment mechanisms for pension savings (2021)
- Pension adequacy report. Volume 1 (2021)
- Pension adequacy report. Volume 2, country profiles (2021)
- Ageing Report. Economic & Budgetary Projections for the EU Member States (2021)
- Ageing Report. Underlying Assumptions and Projection Methodologies
- Attitudes towards adequacy and sustainability of social protection systems in the EU (2020)
- Pension reforms in the EU since the early 2000’s (2017)
- Assessing the economic and budgetary impact of linking retirement ages and pension benefits to increases in longevity (2014)
- Pension adequacy in the European Union 2010-2050 (2012)
- Staff Paper on the future Pan-European Pension Product (PEPP) (2024)
- Advice to the European Commission on greenwashing risks and the supervision of sustainable finance policies (2024)
- Opinion on sustainability claims and greenwashing in the insurance and pensions sectors (2024)
- Occupational pension funds' green investments (2024)
- Investments, loans, insurance or pensions with a sustainable focus: what you need to know (2023)
- Technical advice for the review of the IORP II Directive (2023)
- Financial Stability Report (2024)
- Financial Stability Report (2023)
- Financial Stability Report (2022)
- Climate stress test for the occupational pensions sector (2022)
- European Pensions (informes trimestrales)
- Fit-for-55 climate scenario analysis (BDE-ESA). 2024
- Road to DC: Understanding the Shift (PensionsEurope). 2024
- Will You Afford to Retire? (Better Finance). 2024
- Will You Afford to Retire? (Better Finance). 2023
- Transition investing: key challenges and opportunities (Better Finance). 2023
- Supervision of Pension Funds' Selected Investment Activities (IOPS). 2024
- How can digitalisation make the supervision of pension plans easier and more efficient? (IOPS). 2023
- Trends and developments in funded pensions (PensionsEurope). 2022
- Pension issues on Surveillance and Program Work (FMI). 2022
- Pensions system sustainability (FMI). 2022
- Influencing the choice of pension distribution at retirement (Cambridge University). 2022
- Sustainable Investment: Best Practice Disclosure Checklist for Pension Funds (Banco Mundial). 2020
- Reverse Mortgages, Financial Inclusion, and Economic Development (Banco Mundial). 2020
- Pensions funds with automatic enrollment schemes (Banco Mundial). 2019
- Early Access to Pension Savings: International Experience and Lessons Learnt (Banco Mundial). 2019
- Pensions Panorama. Retirement-income systems in 53 countries (Banco Mundial). 2007